The link to the left (on a PC, at the bottom on a phone/tablet) has a lot of information about winter soccer and we recommend everyone start there.
Players participating in spring soccer for 1st through 12th grade should speak to their spring coach about indoor soccer. EBYSA asks coaches to put winter/indoor soccer teams together to help players continue to develop.
Pre-K and Kindergarten players interested in playing soccer over the winter months should refer to the Spring Instructional link to the left for more information about winter options. A number of links to programs are listed on that page.
First or second grader players interested in playing spring or winter soccer should start with this link which will help you make sure you register for the correct programs. Additionally, if you aren't planning on playing spring soccer it will direct you to the correct place so that we have your contact information should a winter team have space.
Third through twelfth grade players interested in playing winter soccer should start with this link. If we have a spring travel team that needs players we will pass your information on to the coach. In rare instances we get enough players interested in playing indoor soccer that we can try to form a team. If this happens we will reach out to the parents involved and try to help find a coach.
Please note that if your son/daughter is not playing spring soccer then there is no guarantee that we can place them on an indoor team. We provide this opportunity to help children that want to play soccer find a place to play soccer but our ability to find a spot is limited to the number of players/roster size per team, the number of spring players participating in winter/indoor soccer, finding a coach (if necessary), among other things. If there is an opportunity we will contact players on the winter interest list in the order in which they registered.